Monthly Message with NAIFA-California President-Elect Sarah Martin, FSS, LUTCF

Written by NAIFA-California | 11/17/21 7:13 PM

A few things happened this past year: Your State Board worked with and co-sponsored a LILI class with the State of Hawaii. The last time Hawaii had a LILI class was about 20 years ago. We were happy to partner with them. I want to thank our great LILI moderators, Jerry Garcia, and John Hansbrough. They really stepped up in a big way. All classes except for class 6 were virtual. Then in September they meet in person for class 6 and graduation. Those that know me know how passionate I am about LILI. Congratulations again to our new LILI alumni, 5 from Hawaii and 2 from California. We are looking for students for next year. You will see more on this in the next few months. If you have not be through the LILI class, you are really missing out.

We also managed to put on the virtual Roadshows. Next one will be on December 10th. This event is free to our members. We encourage you to sign up here. We were also working on the in-person CAC E3 event, but COVID had other ideas. The Board was able to pivot and bring the sponsors to you virtually with the E3 virtual breakout sessions. Our sponsors were able to get you their sales ideas that they were going to share with you at the CAC E3 event. We are hoping that we can be together in person soon. We also know how important it is to be flexible as needed in this day in age. One thing that COVID has taught the board: be flexible. We continue to find ways to bring value to your members. I am extremely honored to be the incoming President for this great state of California. I can’t believe that this year is almost over.

Happy Holidays!