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3 min read

Extension on Raffle!

By NAIFA Member & Chapter Services on 1/22/21 12:03 PM

Have you recently posted on your legislator's social media site? Or, have you recently increased your annual IFAPAC contribution? Even something as simple as visiting and liking your legislators' social media will enter you in the contest-You just have to report it to us! Let us know you completed any one of these tasks and you earn yourself a raffle ticket to win something like an iPad!

What’s the goal? To increase the footprint of our legislative relationships and engagement.The prizes are to make it fun for our members!

Complete a couple of the simple tasks listed here, submit your form, and you could win a highly sought-after NAIFA California Covid Survival Kit-  Don't delay! 

Get involved now!

NAIFA-California Remote Engagement Activities: Click here for 21 easy-to-engage activities for you to enhance your relationship with your legislator.

Members have until February 3, 2021 to complete as many tasks as they can, and for each task a member reports completed through this link, they'll receive a raffle ticket. Winners will be drawn during Day on the Hill in March.
1. First Prize, Apple iPad (1)
2. Second Prize, Apple AirBuds (1)
3. Third Prize, NAIFA COVID Survival Kits (10)

Report your activities HERE!
(If you do not report your activities, you will not be entered in the contest!)

Want to print it out and check along the way? CLICK HERE for a printer friendly version! Once completed, return to info@naifacalifornia.org

Have FUN and good luck!

